Sunday, December 26, 2004

LIVE from a Hershey's Kiss

So I have a blog. A few weeks ago, I had never heard of these things. Ok, so maybe I had heard the word "blog" thrown around on television, but I was in no ways savvy about it. I'm still not, and yet here I am, picking templates and deciding on a blog name, because I had to register so that I could comment on Kris's. The process has been interesting. I had to try about eighteen different names before the little "This blog name is unavailable" notice went away, and I was allowed to continue in my registration. Kris's blog has a great name. I wanted something...enigmatic, something unique that would be a signal of my coolness. But, after all of my amazingly original ideas got shot down by the blog-naming people (whoever they may be), I settled on this. "Run to the Water" is the title of my favorite song by my favorite band, Live. I'm thinking of them because I got their greatest hits CD Awake from Santa Claus about 48-hours ago. I traveled back to Columbia tonight so that I could spend the upcoming week planning like a madwoman, so that when my darling little 8th graders return to me on January 3rd, I'll be totally ready to teach them...something. So, on the ride back here, which is 90 minutes, I listened to my CD. I love this band. Ed Kowalczyk's lyrics are like poetry, and being an English teacher, that appeals to me. He has a very artistic mastry of his own language, and there is something to be said for being able to say something beautifully. The review for the Awake CD on said that "LIVE might be the best thing to come from central Pennsylvania since Hershey's chocolate." Quite a compliment.


Blogger RahX said...

There is nothing to blogging, just spew your thoughts on the screen.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:14 AM  
Blogger greyguitar said...

ahem. i found you too. so much for incognito..

but keep writing..and pretend no one is looking.

5:28 PM  

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