Friday, May 19, 2006

the end again

i believe, but i can't be certain, that the last time i did this was in march maybe? i wrote about spinning. in case you're still sitting on the edge of your seat for developments on that front, i do try to go to the spinning at least once a week. you know, i'd love, truly love to go 3-5 times a week but there are, of course, several problems with that.

1. the seat hurts my butt
2. my living situation currently is so life-sucking that i can barely breathe enough to go to work, much less to spin
3. work is very, very, very, very exhausting lately
4. i'd rather go to lizard's thicket
5. i only like the one instructor and he only does it on sunday mornings

in case you were wondering about the problems.

so, here i am again, at the end of the school year. and it's the same as it was last year, sort of. in many, many, many ways i am really, really, ready for these kids to go. but, in other ways, i really really wish they wouldn't. some of them, especially, are going to break my heart when they walk away. but sometimes people can break your heart in a good way, you know? how like i'm so proud of them, and really so grateful to have spent this year with them, that i feel like it's ok for them to leave me now? yeah, like in that kind of way.

plus, this summer i'm busy busy. i'm moving (YES MY GOD THAT IS THE BEST NEWS EVER). i'm going to be in kris's wedding (GOOD TIMES). i'm going to teach summer school (ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS). i'm going to take a class (ALL ABOUT TEACHING THE GIFTED CHILDRENS).

so, you see, i got stuff.

hope everybody's good.


Blogger greyguitar said...

hooray, you're back. meaning on here and over there.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »

12:57 AM  

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