Friday, January 07, 2005

Best Boyfriends Forever

So, this morning I was tired. This is HOW tired I was:

1. I prepare my cereal, and two seconds before putting the milk in it, I realize that I have the water jug in my hand, thus nearly watering my Special K.

2. I'm driving to school and I think, "Did I get my car keys?"

3. At school, I tell my kids, "You can't be writing and taking notes at the same time."

I'll tell you what, it has been that kind of week. You know the kind.

The highlight of the past 5 days was imitating Napolean Dynamite in 2nd block.

I just saw a preview for ER that insinuated Abby might be carjacked and shot. If that happens, let me go on record as saying that I will be officially done with Must See TV. They've toyed too much with my emotions in the past year, what with the whole Friends thing and all.

At the gym today I found out that I didn't gain any weight over the holidays. I feel accomplished.

How come some women will call their female friends "girlfriend," but men don't do that? Boys don't call their male friends "boyfriend." I think that they should.


Blogger greyguitar said...

If Abby dies, that will also be the end of Er for me too. They are already taking Carter off this season. No way can they take her off too. I'm thinking it's just a ploy to get us to remember to start watching it again after the Christmas break.

Lucy dying was enough.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Miss Parker said...

P.S. just so you know, it's been scientifically proven that one CAN in fact take notes while writing (-: just kidding. I'm still laughing out loud (WITH you, of course!) about that one.

3:17 PM  

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