Sunday, February 20, 2005

VH1's Best Week Ever

It's been quite some time since last I blogged. I wonder if I remember how. I need to think of something random that happened to me and construct a really witty, clever, post about it. On second thought, I'm not sure that I'm up to that. What if I just made a list of things that happened this week that made me go like this: "WHAT!"

1. I refused to take two kids to the book fair because they don't know how to behave in class. One of them was white, one of them was African-American. When they were leaving, one behind the other, together, the African-American kid called me a racist.
2. One of my little girls stepped on another boy's bookbag just a tiny little bit at the end of the day on Friday. To retaliate, he threw her purse to the front of the room so hard that I heard it wooshing through the air. It hit the wall and all of the contents fell out.
3. My kids watched Schindler's List for three days this week in preparation for a unit on The Diary of Anne Frank. When it was over they wrote a 1/2 page reflection on how it made them feel. As I'm flipping through them, I read things like "I was so sad," and "I was upset and scared for the Jewish people," and "I couldn't understand how people could be so horrible to each other." And THEN, I read one that says, "I actually had no feelings while watching this movie. When it was over my neck hurt."
4. During the championship basketball game on Thursday night between my girls and Irmo, which by the way my girls won, I got chastised twice by the referee for jumping up off of the bench. He told my head coach on me.
5. One of my kids asked me if this was my "time of the month."
6. On Monday I gave my kids a bunch of candy because it was Valentine's day. I had a lot of leftovers, so naturally I had to eat them all week long.
7. This one is the best one: One of my kids wrote a story about this person who watches over and protects another person, and called the protective person a "gardening angle."
8. My grandmother had her appendix taken out. I didn't know that could happen to old people.
9. The bigger girl who sang "Fallen" by Alicia Keys did not make it through to the next round on American Idol.
10. I don't really have a 10th one but it would be cool if I did, because I like to keep things in even numbers. I think I'm OCD about that.

I wish I had something fun and happy to blog about. Maybe next time, if I have a gardening angle.


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