Thursday, July 21, 2005

days and daze

Ok, so it's been another long while. Things happen, specifically my grandfather passing away. I'm not sure I'm the same person anymore.

I've never lost anyone before now.

Maybe that's how it is then.

You become someone different.

I learned to wear heels at his wake and funeral, because I didn't take any shoes home with me and that was all I could find at the store in town. Heels.

And so then I've moved into Anna's. I like living in this house, mostly because it is a house and not an apartment and I'm not sure why that makes such a difference but I'm sure that you understand what I mean. I'm sure of it.

I'm serving on a focus group for the SCEA (which incidentally I am not even a member of) for new teachers. I'm telling them what I needed last year so that they can "help" new teachers. All the while, I'm thinking, the SCEA just wants these kids to join. They want their money. This is all a clever ploy to boost membership revenue. And then I smile and think "whatever" because I'm just using them for the resume. The truth is, new teachers mostly just have to find their own way, and that's part of becoming your teacher self, and the SCEA doesn't have any part in it. But, let them dream their little dreams I suppose.

But something silly did happen there. This lady, she's stupid, and she was giving a presentation, and I hate when I have to sit at these things because, since I have my masters, I already know everything that they are talking about. That's not arrogance, it's just the truth. I learned it all in college. So, she's giving this presentation about things I already know, and then she makes the statement, "I'm about to change the way you look at the world." And I was like "Really? Could you do that?" I was excited, thinking perhaps there finally would be something new here. And you know what she did? She showed us the FedEx sign and, as soon as it was on the screen I KNEW what was coming.

The arrow.

Thanks to Rob, I was the only one in the room who knew this. Making me, unequivocally, the smartest person there including the speaker. I enjoyed this.


Blogger greyguitar said...


But, did she change the way you looked at the world?

5:56 PM  

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