Thursday, April 21, 2005

for my day in the sun, i've been working till the sun don't shine

This is a bad week. How bad is it you ask? Well, short story, this morning I've gotten up and showered, dried my hair, had my Cheerios (Honey Nut ONLY), and now I am sitting here reading blogs (Robin I am disappointed). And I seriously just had the thought, "I wonder if anyone would really notice if I had a beer before I went to work." Maybe I need something to 'take the edge off' before I go in to struggle through another day with my kids. Who, by the way, have gone stark raving mad. I've done nine discipline referrals in the past week, and on NONE of them was I overreacting. These have been major infractions (threatening to kill me, being 15 minutes late to class, throwing pencils that hit other kids, etc. etc.) But alas, better judgment wins out, and I'll not be downing a cold one. But, it was an appealing thought.


Blogger greyguitar said...

I knew I was a disappointing person.

10:40 AM  

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