Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, spring break for me has officially entered it's final twelve hours. When I look back at the past week, what I see can most accurately be described as this: HUGE BLOB.

I did, literally, nothing whatsoever. Well, actually, I did some things. I read two books and started a third one. And these are real books, you know, adult ones that I didn't buy for my classroom. So I feel accomplished. And they were really really good. And all three, I found out, are being made into movies. The Kite Runner, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, and The Time Traveler's Wife will all be coming to a theater near you in 2006. The English major in me says, "No! This will ruin the art of the written word. Stop the madness this instant Hollywood! I beg of you!" But then, the regular, sane person in me goes like this: "Don't be a geek, these could be great movies." And so I'm glad that they are doing this.

So yeah, I read. A LOT. Which was nice, because I spend so much of my life making my kids read, and reading things to them, that it's nice to just sit and read a grown-up book sometimes.

Oh, and I ran. A LOT. Which was also very very nice.

So I guess that spring break maybe looks less like a HUGE BLOB and more like this: Me, Reading and Running Simultaneously. And now I ask myself, am I sad that I have to go back to work tomorrow? Truthfully, I'm not. Dare I say...I missed the kids.

And then I ask myself this: As long as I work in education, I will have "spring break" and "Christmas break" and "THE summer," so will I ever feel like an adult? I'll be with my adult friends who have regular jobs, who worked all this week and I'll say blah blah blah "spring break" and they might look at me like I'm still a kid, or at least in college. Maybe not. I've never actually checked their faces out, but I feel funny sometimes when I say this stuff.

Anyhow, blogging is hard when you do nothing but read for a week. (Spellcheck wants me to change "blogging" into "flogging," which I suppose also would be difficult if I had just read for a week, instead of practicing my whipping movements.)

P.S. I'm taking a poll:
Would spelling "theater" like this, "theatre," make me seem sophisticated or pretentious. I can never decide. I've seen it both ways. Or, most importantly, would it make me seem French? I think that's the real issue here.


Blogger greyguitar said...


But then again, I just deleted a string of words that I was going to leave here because it looked sophisticated and then I re-read it and it looked pretentious.

But dare I ask--what's your favourite colour?

7:06 PM  
Blogger mandy said...

Up here in the northwest it makes you sound Canadian.

I would leave a longer comment but I have to go down to the corner shoppe.

7:35 PM  

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