Wednesday, April 27, 2005

random acts of randomness

Big news on the Lean Cuisine front:

Beef Portabello: very very tasty. Nice potatoes, good fresh meat bits and mushrooms. Far superior to the Sesame Chicken.

So, thus far, after two trials, the rankings are as follows:

1. Beef Portabello
2. Sesame Chicken

There. Don't we all feel better now?

So, I went to the dentist today. And what better time is there to find out that you DON'T have the dental plus insurance that you THOUGHT you did? Yeah. That was lots of fun. My mouth was numb, and I had to agree to a $135 payment before they could continue. I'll tell you, my benefits lady is in for a scathing e-mail tomorrow. I have been twice tricked by her.

In other news:
Put facewash on the toothbrush this morning. Further proof of the slow but sure deterioration of my sanity. How long till May 25th again?

I rented Hotel Rwanda this weekend. And I'll say this, Don Cheadle should've beaten Jamie Foxx and this movie should've beaten Million Dollar Baby. That's just my opinion, and because I've been doing PACT review with my kids non-stop, I understand that my "opinion" cannot be measured or proven. Still though, it is important to have "opinions."

One of my kids was reading aloud for me today, and she pronounced the word "bootlegging" like this: "bootle-ging." I started laughing, and I couldn't stop. I had to step outside.


Blogger greyguitar said...


1:28 PM  

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