VACAY Part 2
So, here's how I spent Friday, in text messages:
11:08 AM
to Elizabeth BB (Elizabeth's fancy new blackberry that she has to use at her fancy new job, which by the way she has been at all week while I've been on vacay)
"They are having a major throwdown in the courtroom bc Paris wants to appear by phone this morning. WTF!"
11:18 AM
from Elizabeth BB
"That is a BFD. Keep me updated."
So, because I know my roommate and I know what important details matter to her, I did this all day long.
11:50 AM
to Elizabeth BB
"The judge said she has to come to court. She is all like, 'TISNF." They sent a sheriff's patrol to get her now."
12:52 PM
to Elizabeth BB
"Paris is taking forever and they have rushed her makeup artist in. It is breaking news on MSNBC."
1:29 PM
to Elizabeth BB
"The MSNBC reporter got run over when they were taking her out of the house. His microphone got drug away with the patrol car. He is ok, just traumatized emotionally and he has to borrow a mic."
3:31 PM
to Elizabeth BB
"Judge sent her back to jail. A reporter outside asked a lawyer, 'True or False-she looked totally hot?' He declined to comment."
What a day. Stupid, I know. I ran out of books to read. Go figure.
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