Friday, February 25, 2005

So Jonas, tell me, would you consider yourself a deviant?

My kids are so funny when they write.

"Once upon a time long ago in the awful, eerie lands of the community...Jonas escapes from the community and travels great distances. Then he spots a sled on top of a snowy hill. He and Gabriel ride in gratitude and joy."

I don't know why this amuses me. But it does. Every time.

Here's what is not amusing: Jeopardy. The Jeopardy people are anal retentive. The other night, I was watching, and the answer to Final Jeopardy was "All Quiet on the Western Front." Two answers were rejected as being wrong: "All's Quiet on the Western Front," and "All Quiet on Western Front." I mean really, is it that serious Alex? You KNOW what they meant!

Also, I get sort of annoyed now when one of the WIS Sunrise show anchors is out on vacation, and they bring in some substitute anchor. I have grown so accustomed to Hannah Nelson (man I never thought that would happen) and Scott Hawkins that, when they are not there, I find my mornings somehow lacking in something...

Tricky, very tricky.

I never blog at work. This is the first time ever. It's early morning, and the kids aren't here yet. I've realized something: my blog has dots on it. Now, when I picked out the template, I was at home on my home computer, and the template said something about dots. However, I couldn't see them. I guess it's something about my home monitor, or maybe the lighting in my apartment. It's really bright here at school, and my monitor is huge. So I log into blog, and there they are: the dots. I like them. I'll have to adjust something at home so I can see them more often.

Do the Friday Dance. If you don't know the Friday Dance, I can only tell you that it is nothing like the Electric Slide, Hokey Pokey, or Achey Breaky Heart. It perhaps most closely resembles the Macarena.

Spell Check Replacement for Macarena? Macrame. Hahaha. Do the MACRAME!

I love you Spell Check.


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