Saturday, January 15, 2005

Long Time No Blog

600 people is too many for a wedding. One of my good friends tells us last night that she's planning on 600 people when she gets married. It's quite possible that I don't even know 600 people who would be interested in my nuptials. Is that bad? I bet I could swing about 400, if I tried. But then again, I'm not really into big deals like that.

At the gym this morning I got chastised twice. See, you're not supposed to cross your ankles when you sit on this one machine, but I was doing that. So I was actually kicked in the foot, and then my wonderful gym lady made this little sign with her fingers, where she held two up and then just moved those really fast back and forth. Apparently, that is the secret signal to uncross my ankles. So I did. THEN, I was on this other machine where you are supposed to hold your toes up, and mine weren't totally perpendicular to the pedal, so again my foot got kicked, and I was given another strange signal which I took to mean I should hold my toes up more. Naturally, all of this is Meredith's fault. If she wouldn't insist on talking to me the entire time we work out, I would be more inclined to remember the gym rules. Incidentally I would probably also die of boredom, so there has to be some kind of trade off. I suppose I'll just have to take the foot kicks. They don't hurt.

One of my kids is so funny. His sense of humor is incredibly sarcastic, so it is naturally right up my alley. On Friday he freewrote about joining the Lego League. He wrote in his journal that he has been practicing his lego skills, and that now he can build a car, a buffalo, a swamp, a farm, and an umbrella for when it rains. He hopes to make Varsity Lego one day. If you ask me, that is really funny stuff.

I'm really excited for Rob that his e-mail to that radio show resulted in some changes being made. I wonder if I could do something similar. See, I enjoy MTV's Made. But, very recently, they aired an episode where a girl with a speech impediment wrote a song and sang and danced in her school's talent show. And, she had to ask a lot of cool in-crowd people to be in her little skit. They all agreed, because there are cameras there with her when she asks them. Did anyone see this? I'll tell you, it was painful to watch. It was not at all uplifting, like the one where the girl won homecoming queen and got a boyfriend, or the one where the boy lost a lot of weight and got to kiss a girl at camp. I think that MTV should be more careful about their selections for Made. Perhaps I should e-mail them.

Speaking of "perhaps," at dinner last night one of the 20 people I was with asked the waiter "Could I get some more water, perhaps?" Who talks like that?

Our girls beat Irmo this week in basketball. 27-23. That was stressful. It was terribly dramatic, because both of us went into that game 6-0, and we knew somebody was going to take their first loss. Wasn't

We had an inservice yesterday. I swear, I would hate for any of my students to see me in those inservices. I am so stone cold bored out of my mind. I'm staring off into space. I'm writing a grocery list. I'm reading a magazine. I'm laying my head down. Any one of these things would get my students a smart reprimand, but I did them ALL for 8 hours yesterday. Such a role model am I.

During the last session at inservice, we talked about a website called "Descarte" which is pronounced day-cart (for anyone wondering). Well, towards the end of the session, our leader goes "So, to review, what is in Descarte?" One of my favorite colleagues holds her head up and says, "Day groceries are in day cart." She should've gotten a lunch detention.


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