ok, so the summer is officially going on now. i got my classroom all packed up last thursday. i labeled all of my furniture so that i can be sure to get MY desk back next year. apparently, they take those things out so they can "wax the floor." mmhmm. we'll see about that.
in any event, the labeling of things is a must, come to find out. because, initially, i was uninterested in doing this. a shelf is a shelf, i said. plus, there is really only one piece of furniture in the room that i'm attached to, and that is a stool that we used to have in the apartment when i lived with meredith. she had the set of four, and she gave me one for my classroom "until i could buy one of my own." that was in august. at this point, we've basically decided to consider it mine, but it is still sort of "meredith's stool." being thus, i am terribly attached to it for sentimental reasons. and, if i should return to my classroom in late july and discover that meredith's stool was gone, i would erupt into a malevolent force and embark on a strenuously loud search and destroy mission, to search out the whereabouts of my stool and then destroy the person who moved it. so, i labeled the stool.
and i thought all was well.
and then a co-worker stepped into my room and insisted that i label everything else, and this person was impervious to my cries of, "but i only care about the stool." so, everything's labeled. now, i'll be sure to get the exact same bookshelves that i had all year, that are IDENTICAL to the ones everyone else has. don't we all feel much better now.
do you ever get paranoid that you are going to repeat in a blog, and blog on something you've blogged on before? and then maybe one of the two, maybe three, people who read your blog will notice and go "oh jumping juniper! this is a rerun!"
do you ever blog while intoxicated?