Friday, May 26, 2006

katie wet herself

so today is nice. i'm loving this whole not having to do anything business. while i do miss my girls, i also do love the freedom that i have now. and i better cherish it, because it's only going to last from now until next thursday, and then i'm working-ish again until mid-july. i know, this is what makes the next few days all the more precious.

anyway, i finished reading kira-kira, which by the by, is an outstanding YA novel. i bought it for my classroom library, but now i'm afraid that a kid might steal it, either intentionally or otherwise, so i'm not sure what to do. i'm such a bookhorse/dvdhorse, that i get stressed about lending these things out. however, i probably will take it to school because i'm hoping that some kids will read it because it is that good.

just check this out:

"We walked back to the car and sat on the hood and swung our legs, like the women in our former town who my mother said were floozies. We pretended to smoke cigarettes like the floozies. But we got back in the car before our mother returned, because if she saw us looking like floozies, it make make her so upset that she would need to take an aspirin."

And this...
"We got out of the car, and almost the first thing that happened was my auntie Fumi started shouting at the top of her lungs, "Katie wet herself! Katie wet herself!" I was so embarrassed that I burst into tears. Everybody laughed, and David and Daniel shouted out, "Katie wet herself!" My mother said, "Katie wet herself!" My father looked proud of me. He was proud of us no matter what we did."

AND this...
"When Uncle Katsuhisa knocked on the door, I made him give me a password. He said with irritation, "Open up now, young lady, or bear my wrath." That happened to be the password, so I opened the door."

See...that is good stuff. That is what's up.

Today in spinning the instructor was one I haven't been with before. Her name was Tami, and immediately she said something about "80s children" loving the music, so I was psyched. I liked her, and I think I'll be going to her class every Friday this summer. She's not my favorite, no no, that's a man named Karl who I spend Sunday mornings with. But still though, it was a nice class. Except for this one thing: the guy next to me was big and tall, but he didn't have his bike adjusted correctly, so his knees kept coming up really high it seemed. He looked like a big gorilla on a tricycle.

At Blockbuster I bought four previewed DVDs for about $30:
1. The Bachelor
2. Cinderella Man
3. Intolerable Cruelty
4. Sin City

Now, that's what I call a successful trip to the movie store.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Bera-Bera from Kira-Kira

"Bera-Bera was my favorite stuffed animal, which my mother had packed in a box. Bera-Bera talked too much, laughed too loudly, and sometimes sassed me, but I still loved him."

I love it when I'm reading a book that's supposed to be "for kids" and I come across an ingenious line like this. I feel like my life's work of teaching the english is validated. This I can point to and say, "See, this is what I mean. Out of nowhere, good words."

Friday, May 19, 2006

the end again

i believe, but i can't be certain, that the last time i did this was in march maybe? i wrote about spinning. in case you're still sitting on the edge of your seat for developments on that front, i do try to go to the spinning at least once a week. you know, i'd love, truly love to go 3-5 times a week but there are, of course, several problems with that.

1. the seat hurts my butt
2. my living situation currently is so life-sucking that i can barely breathe enough to go to work, much less to spin
3. work is very, very, very, very exhausting lately
4. i'd rather go to lizard's thicket
5. i only like the one instructor and he only does it on sunday mornings

in case you were wondering about the problems.

so, here i am again, at the end of the school year. and it's the same as it was last year, sort of. in many, many, many ways i am really, really, ready for these kids to go. but, in other ways, i really really wish they wouldn't. some of them, especially, are going to break my heart when they walk away. but sometimes people can break your heart in a good way, you know? how like i'm so proud of them, and really so grateful to have spent this year with them, that i feel like it's ok for them to leave me now? yeah, like in that kind of way.

plus, this summer i'm busy busy. i'm moving (YES MY GOD THAT IS THE BEST NEWS EVER). i'm going to be in kris's wedding (GOOD TIMES). i'm going to teach summer school (ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS). i'm going to take a class (ALL ABOUT TEACHING THE GIFTED CHILDRENS).

so, you see, i got stuff.

hope everybody's good.